Ensuring that your stay at Coconut Cottage is flawless takes quite a bit of maintenance and service. If any service person should appear at your Cottage unannounced, call us to confirm their identity while they wait outside. It is always your choice not to let them in if it interferes with your day, and we can generally ask them to return at another time.
Maid Services and Cleaning: Our Cottage is thoroughly cleaned and prepared before your arrival. After you depart, the housekeepers will clean the villa and launder the sheets and towels.
General Unscheduled Maintenance: We constantly do repairs and maintenance to the Cottage it is a part of life when owning a home in this very harsh ocean salt environment. The salt corrodes everything inside and out of the home at a very fast rate. While we do our best to make sure everything runs as it should, unexpectedly repairs do happen. In these instances our property manager will do his best to make repairs immediately and or while you may be out for the day enjoying the island so as not to disturb your vacation.
Garbage and Trash Removal: St John does not have door-to-door trash collection service. Please drive your bagged garbage daily to the garbage bin (map is available to our guests). it is located on the right side heading down the hill before the Westin Resort about a 2 minute drive from the villa. We highly recommend that you remove your garbage every day to prevent the unpleasant effects of heat as well as to deter unwanted insects and critters from coming around.
Spa Maintenance: A complete spa cleaning and servicing is generally done just before your arrival.
Exterminators and Gardeners: We try to schedule our exterminator and gardeners visit during Cottage vacancies, however at times this is not possible and thus a visit could occur during your visit.